Congratulations to Linda Petrie who came 1st in the Prelim today, thanks for representing the club.
Richmond Arena Eventing
Congratulations to Jane Bromley and Emma Metcalfe at the Arena eventing at Richmond, both jumped double clears and Jane also got an individual 3rd. Thanks to both of you for representing Bishops.
Joining Bishops Riding Club
For those who’ve been thinking about joining a riding club then here’s some reasons to get a wiggle on!!
Huge congratulations to everyone who competed at the novice and intermediate dressage. We definitely show ourselves as a true all round riding club. Fab tests and individual results from everyone. One of the intermediate teams also qualified for the championships… Read More
Alnwick ford dressage
Super well done to Linda Petrie who represented Bishops at the grass roots dressage at Alnwick Ford…. A winning score in prelim 1 of 70%
Challenge Qualifier at Ivesley
Really well done to everyone who competed at the Challenge qualifier at Ivesley . 70 team was 3rd Barry Linzi Lisa and Clare. 80 teams were 4th Kerrie Kathryn Anneli Lynsey and 6th Jo Helen Michaela Linda. Frances was ind… Read More
Jane Bromley one of our members competing…
Team Bishop @ Burgham International Horse Trials
July 2019 – A fantastic result from the team show jumping at Burgham International Horse Trials. Team Bishops rode fantastically and won! Well done Dawn, Bethany, Linda and Helen.
Dressage divas
Well done to the dressage divas at the area qualifier, which was held on 14th July. Team was 6th and did fab as 15 teams. Frances got individual 1st in prelim and 2nd in novice and Emma got individual 4th.… Read More
Showjumping Success
What a day! Think the first huge thank you must go to all of the helpers today. Giving up your time on a cold and wet day is very much appreciated and we couldn’t compete without you. The course was… Read More